Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Girl, 15, Charming but Insane by Sue Limb

Jess, 15 years old, is living with her mother in England. Her mother and father are divorced. She thinks she is in love with Ben, but he doesn't pay any attention to her. Her best friend is Flora. Flora is blond, beautiful, and everyone loves her. Another good friend is Fred, who she has been friends with forever. She doesn't think her breasts are big enough, so she decides to create her own inserts using plastic bags and minestone soup. Of course the bags leak and she is left with a mess at the party she is attending. To make things worse, she hears that one of the boys had a video camera in the bathroom and caught everything on tape. Flora, Ben, and Mackenzie form a band for the talent show, but they are awful. Jess gets an idea that saves the day. She and Fred have a falling out and she realizes how much she cares about him. When he starts a school newspaper and doesn't invite her to join the staff, she is really hurt. To add to her misery, Flora admits that she likes Fred and wants Jess to talk to him about it. She finally realizes that Fred is the one she really cares about. One of the interesting additions to this book is that each chapter begins with a humorous horoscope creating by Jess' father.

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