Friday, October 9, 2009

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Todd lives on a New World where people can hear each others thoughts and also hear animal thoughts. They call it the Noise. One day Todd hears a space of silence with no Noise. As he investigates, he finds a girl named Viola. There are no girls or women in Prenticetown. When his guardians Ben and Cillan find out, they tell him he must flee. They send him with supplies and a diary of his mother's and tell him, "You must warn them." As he and Viola race to escape the men of Prenticetown who are chasing them, they find that they are being pursued for other reasons that they don't even realize. They come to town after town where the townspeople are afraid and the army is always following them. Those who shelter them are destroyed. When they finally make it to Haven, where they hope to find safety, they find no one except the Mayor of Prenticetown who has been following them. A sequel is to follow.

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